Adding Block Text

Block text is useful when you want to create large blocks of text. To create block text, click the Text Tool, click the Text Mode button (if necessary to display the text pointer), draw a box to contain the text, and type the text.

You can connect text blocks so that the text flows from one container to another, and you can assign margins. Resizing block text changes the size of the container, but not the text.

You add block text by creating a container and typing text inside it. If you add more text than can fit in the text container, it extends below the box and is invisible. Enlarge the container or flow the extra text to another container to see it. See "Flowing Text" for more information.

You can enter or edit text only when the text cursor is visible. All text is entered in the drawing area. Zoom in to view and edit the characters, if necessary (or use the Edit Text dialog box as described in "Editing Text."

The appearance of the text depends on the font, size, and style settings. To set new defaults for text attributes, deselect all objects and then choose the desired font, size, style, and so on.

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